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Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

US-based Pinoy financial representative who ejaculated into colleague’s water bottle faces $27,000+ fine

Michael Kevin Lallana, 32, of Fullerton, California, was fined $27,410.80 by a California court for ejaculating into his female co-worker’s water bottle on two separate occasions on Jan. 14 and April 9 last year, reports news site KTLA. He was also ordered to pay for the victim’s loss of wages and medical expenses.

Lallana worked with the victim at the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network. In the report, Deputy District Attorney Brock Zimmon said ejaculating into the water bottle “was as close as (Lallana) could get” to the 29-year-old executive assistant whom he found attractive. “He did it for the purpose of sexual gratification,” Zimmon said.

According to investigators, Lallana entered the victim’s office and deposited his semen into a water bottle on her desk. The victim, who felt sick after drinking the contaminated water, sent it to a laboratory for testing and learned that it contained semen. DNA tests confirmed that it was from Lallana who said he didn’t think the victim would drink it.


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