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Jumat, 25 November 2011

Muslim New Year Observed Today

President Benigno S. Aquino III exhorted the local Islamic community to remain resilient towards the goal of “lasting harmony and genuine, positive change” on the occasion of the Islamic New Year, Amun Jadid.

Muharram 1, 1433, of the Hijrah lunar calendar coincides with Nov. 26, 2011, according to the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF).

Muharram is the first of Hijrah's 12 months, reckoning from the migration of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Allaihi Wassalam to Madinah, then Yathrib, in what is now the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

From there Islam took root and is now a religion of an estimated 1.6 billion people across the world.

“My warmest greetings to the Muslim community as you welcome the Amun Jadid 1433 Hijrah,” said the President in traditional message made through the NCMF.


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